
Watson Dankeschön TranceBaer ...was für eine Show heute - Sau gut !!! Trance4Life Kay Lysander Jetzt weiß ich endlich mal, wer mich Sonntag Abend weckt. Trance vom feinsten. Danke ALiCE.LadyA Ich wünsch Euch allen einen schön Sonntag und viel Spaß mit meinem TRIP OF TONES Grüße die Alice ghosti Danke DJ Nordlicht das war wieder vom feinsten DJ NordLicht


Özgür CanHi Özgür, how you doin? It seems to be you are very busy at the moment ... right!? I´m fine thanks, well i´m always busy but then again i´m not.

How was the one week in Miami to visit the WMC? Which people did you met there, maybe it results any interesting contacts? Well it was my second year so i kinda knew what to expect, i went down there for a weeks vacation, not with the intention of making any serious contacts, but you know, its Miami, you always meet fun and interesting people!

Do you played 7 gigs in 6 days - was this not very arduously or just prevailed the fun of this? Most of them were just small things, some were shit some were good, but all in all i had a really good time!

Ok, another question: so if i came to Stockholm now, how i would to imagine the clublife or rather what can i expect there? Well since our beloved police force in stockholm is on "killing the club scene spree" you wont find many clubs that play dancemusic! We basically got one proper house club called "Grodan" means "the frog" takes about 200-300 people maybe, thats where i go on the weekends when im home. Its a really good club, nice people great atmosphere and always top notch bookings! I´m noticed this ;-)

Do you followed a certain direction with Furry Music or what can we expect of this? Tell us a little bit, there are already hot details for the future. We follow our hearts with furry music, no specific direction, as long as its good and funky and does the job on the dancefloors! Next up is a young guy from Holland called Roel H. Very very talented kid, been following his work for years, and we just signed 2 of his tracks, very nice stuff, we are very happy with this release! After that we will release the next Furry Nipples single called "Why" its very different from "Surroundings" and "Slackers" this one is more housy detroitish kinda vibe to it, we are very happy with it.

Ok, do you have create another baby, in co-operation with Dumb Dan, explain for our listener - what`s the story about the birth of "Skymph Music"? Actually Skymph is the third label i´m involved with! I run another label called Plejour Audio with a friend from the UK, but i dont think people know i`m involved with that label. The Skymph label is something ive been wanting to do for years, i have a big passion for alternative stuff, and so does Daniel, so we decided to start a digital label for all kinds of stuff we like, pop/rock/synth/electronica and well basically everything you can think of and not :)

And which hot material is coming up by the person Özgür Can or one of your aliases ;-) some nice remixes and özze stuff? Yeah i´ve been working alot on new stuff past month, finished a couple of tracks, and reworks of older tracks! new "Not Even Winds" version will be out on armada digital i think dunno when tho, then Precinct Recordings thought it was time to release "on a white day" after almost 3 years so i´ve made 2 new versions to keep the release fresh, the old one that everyone has will not be released so if you still like that version you know where to find it.

Well, i`m read that you sending out tracks per cd and much easier for everyone through the internet. That`s a positiv example of i-net and for the producer/dj-scene, but there are any sad ways with in it like the illegal file-sharing of audio - in all of us what do you think about this fast development, it`s more negative or rather positive? To be honest, i got really pissed before when people downloaded my shit, but nowadays i cant be bothered with it, i dont care really, i cant do anything to stop it so fuck it, but im all for the legal digital download sites like beatport and stuff, its nice and easy.

And what does looked like your fav studio setup? I don´t know that you use only Fruity Loops, so what you prefer any hardware or is Özgür just a software guy? I only use fruityloops + soft synths

When i see your sound trend for the last years ago there are many styles, so how would you define the sound of Özgür Can? Well like i´ve said many times before, my taste in electronic music seem to go in 2-3 year periods, i get bored pretty easy and try to find new stuff, i can´t really define my sound, i like so much stuff i get influenced by all of it =).

Özgür CanIn order to experience your sound do you can reveal where some nice gigs lined up and give pay attention for a özze party? I just got back home from Budapest this weekend, it was really nice. I´ve been away 5-6 weekends in a row now so this coming weekend i have a little break and then off to Barcelona to play at the Sonar Festival. The Stockholm Club Grodan is hosting a party called "take me to sweden" with a insane lineup of swedish talents i´m really happy to be a part of that, check if you wanna see the lineup! then some other stuff i cant remember it all in my head but check the dumb and furry forum where i post my dates.

Ok, i heard that the sweden guys are excited by norwegian chicks, in the line of xxx movie actress, what`s the deal and to be honest! ;-) Hahaha, well that does 2 ways, norwegian dudes like swedish girls and swedish dudes like norwegian girls, the grass is always greener on the other side right? ;) To be completely honest i don`t know a single norwegian porn actress, do they even have any?

Maybe ;-) In nice expectation we want to know how called the next Özgür production in the pipeline!? The last thing finished up is the new "on a white day" version, its very deep and im very happy with it.

And when you`re not producing and playing, what for music listen you else? When i´m at home and chillin i never listen to electronic stuff to be honest, i´m a BIG fan of alternative stuff, indie stuff and all kinds of alternative things.

Alright Özgür, this interview wraps up. Many thanx to you for taking the time and good luck with your work ... cheers! thank you! Ok & no problem, have a great time and big success for our radio :p

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